Friday, July 25, 2014

Birthday Banner

LOVE Vintage Cards!  Stink at making faces, but they remind me of my childhood birthday cards.

Its time for school again.  I didn't get around to making a Birthday Banner for July for the Teachers.  So have two banners to hang, August and July.

Using my last year list of Birthday dates and names, it took me until October to get the list.  Figured it is better to have people that have moved on than nothing.

Were all teachers born in July and August?  These months had alot of Birthdays!

Happy Birthday in on the left of dates and the picture is on the right.  Sorry, it is too long to get a whole picture and I won't want Teachers birth-dates on here.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Summer Theme

While at the Junior Level we decorated the Cafeteria Stage for reward day PTO sponsored.  Ms. Amy and her amazing visions and ability to free hand.

Halloween Candy Bar for Teacher Luncheon

Each year we were in Junior High, at Halloween we had a Candy Bar for the Staff.  Everyone loves this event, we have carried it to the High School Level now.

Again: I can only do the Art Work!  Ms. Dessiree is the amazing Hospitality Coordinator that put this together! This was my favorite scene out of 4 years of doing it.

Teachers Appreciation Week WILD ABOUT OUR TEACHERS

When in Junior high, our amazing Hospitality Coordinator did the theme "Wild About Our Staff". Ms. Dessiree has the most amazing ideas and visions.  The best part is she can bring her ideas to life.  I art work is all I helped with, and that was with her telling what she wanted.  My favorite thing that she came up with was the Zebra & Giraffe print walls.  The things you can do with the school giving you Craft Paper and cheap paint!  Think those walls took 3 of us 2 days.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Diner Decorations

When painting the Diner theme we used on Craft Paper with Acrylic Paint, I found it easier to do the backdrop by itself.  Then did the wall decorations separate.  It worked out good because then we had more decorations to use on other walls.

Can I say, if this looks to hard, just try it.  Pick a black and white clip art and try it.  Mine aren't perfect but they are cheaper than buying decorations.  Note, I draw  all my stuff out with pencil first.

 We also used for two different events.  Pizza Bar at Junior High.
Breakfast Bar at the High School.

Family Game Night Theme

When we were at the junior high level, we had a reward day every 6 weeks.  The PTO bought items for the students to purchase with their reward tickets.  We did themes for each event.

I worked on the family game painting over the summer.  My teenagers and their friends looked playing the games on the big boards.  They were actually kindda sad when I took them to the school.  Need to at least make the games they played with again.

NOTE:  Stick to easy boards without all the stuff like Life!

Who to do these things?  The right year I did things for the PTO, one of the ladies could cut shapes out without anything to go off of.  I took clip art, copied it to Word and blew it up large.  I then printed and would draw a graph over it.  I started with the outside lines, then made HALF lines to get an idea for the Blow up version.  Then I took the Craft paper and had the size I wanted laid out and taped pieces together on the back.  I would measure the clip art in the smallest measurements on the ruler.  I would use the same measurements numbers but in feet.  (Also tried the whole x25 thing too).  When I was starting out you can see I did alot smaller items.  By the time we left Junior High learned we had alot of space to fill, make it HUGE!
  Fun thing is for regular events at the High School I need smaller things, but it works out when doing Homecoming Dance or After Prom.

LOVE This theme probably because it is so colorful. Going to use it again at some point.